What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology is the art of muscle-testing to access subconscious programming and disruptions to the energy flow of the body, mind and soul. Muscle testing is used to identify where the information flow of our mind–body processes are out of balance and why.
Our health and happiness is multifaceted: we are biological (chemical processes from our diet), magnetic (a steady flow of +ve and -ve ions), postural and dynamic (we move our muscles, incur injuries and experience pain) and experiencers (based on our values, beliefs and perception, we interpret our reality and either react or respond to it in certain ways – beneficial or not).
The modality of kinesiology lends itself perfectly to our complexity as the muscle testing allows the body and subconscious mind to ‘explain’ which of these facets of the person have contributed to the state of illness, pain, unhappiness, weight loss or gain, food and environmental sensitivities. Nature’s forces continuously urge us back to a state of well-being and energy shifts can assist in this process of getting ‘back into balance’.
By raising our awareness to what is needed and reinstating the communication and energy flow of the body and mind, kinesiology can help you to reach your goals of health, vitality to do things you love, achieve life or career milestones or shift painful memories that have kept you in a state of grief.
How Does It Work?
Kinesiology is the art and technique of light pressure on specific muscles to identify where stress is being held by the body and why. Using a simple biological feedback mechanism to access the cellular memory, information is presented on how you are responding to your current challenge and what assistance is needed to move past the ‘block’ to health and well-being.
The ancient Chinese viewed these ‘blocks’ as points of stagnant energy. Our life force is not flowing freely through our minds and bodies that can cause unhappiness, pain or illness if not shifted.
Candice Pert, founder of psycho-neuro immunology, discovered our immune system (body) contains receptors for brain peptides (mind). Her research determined there was a link between emotional and physical health. She tells The Age (11/03/02) “These emotion-affecting peptides actually appear to control the routing and migration of monocyte (types of white blood cells), which are pivotal to the overall health of the organism……Thus healing can be stopped by an emotional state that has the wrong chemicals. On the other hand, people really do have sudden, miraculous healings when there is a sudden emotional shift.”